Saint Francis Borgia Regional High School is a Catholic, coeducational college preparatory high school in Washington, Missouri, located in Franklin County about 50 miles southwest of St. Louis. Students come from as many as 25 public and private elementary schools. The geographic region served is centered in Franklin County and ranges from St. Louis County to the east, Gasconade County to the west, Crawford County to the south, and Warren and St. Charles counties to the north, representing 26 zip codes. The administration, board, faculty, parents, students, and benefactors of Saint Francis Borgia Regional High School cooperate to foster a Christian atmosphere based on mutual respect. We value the uniqueness, dignity, integrity, and individual goals of each person. We work together for personal spiritual growth and for growth as a vibrant Catholic faith community. Spirituality is at the core of life at Borgia. We offer students many opportunities to learn and live the Catholic faith. In addition to a four-year theology curriculum, students can deepen their relationships with God through weekly Masses, retreats and prayer days, service opportunities, and more. Through a college preparatory curriculum, we strive to foster academic excellence that recognizes individual differences, maximizes personal growth, and prepares students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities. A rich core curriculum is complemented with dynamic electives. We offer a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Lab, a television studio with a live morning broadcast, a state of the art Theater program, and an award winning music program which includes the only marching band in the archdiocese. We also have a Mac Lab offering 20 Apple computers that are equipped with the same software professional’s use for design, photo editing, and video production. Teachers incorporate twenty-first century resources into coursework through our 1:1 iPad program. Every student is unique. Our programs are designed to meet individual needs and different levels of academic ability. A full time Learning Consultant provides assistance to students with mild or moderate learning needs. The resource room provides instruction for student skills in time management, organizational and study skills, and research and test taking skills. Technical courses are offered through a partnership agreement with Four Rivers Career Center. Eighty-one hours of college credit are available through a variety of courses offered through St. Louis University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri S & T, and East Central College. These courses, as well as Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses, ensure Borgia students graduate well-prepared for college. In addition to a rigorous academic program, students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports and club activities. Borgia is home to 47 state titles in a variety of sports. Our teachers also bring many years of experience into the classroom. Sixty-two percent of Borgia’s teachers have more than 10 years of experience. Sixty-one percent of Borgia’s teachers have an advanced degree. All students pair with a team of educators consisting of a guidance counselor, advisor, and homeroom teacher who support our students throughout their Borgia experience and prepare them for life beyond St. Francis Borgia Regional High School. The faculty and staff teams work to challenge student academic goals and assist with class schedules, college preparedness, and scholarship opportunities. Statistics from 2019, such as 21 Bright Flight scholars, a 100% graduation rate, ACT test scores well above the state and national levels, and $3.97 million in accepted scholarship money, support the success of our model: We know we are doing things right. Borgia enjoys extraordinary loyalty; legacies of three or more generations are not uncommon. We encourage open discussion and collaboration to address the needs of our school community. Our ultimate goal is to promote total human development as Christians. We value a learning atmosphere that invites enthusiasm and self-discipline on the part of each student and teacher, creating supportive relationships that challenge and motivate.
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