Top 10 Reasons to Join the Chamber
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With over 600 members and an annual operating budget that exceeds $2 million, the Washington Area Chamber of Commerce is ranked the largest chamber in the region by the St. Louis Business Journal. Our chamber, founded in 1923, is unique because we have three main operating components; the Chamber Office, the Washington Town & Country Fair, and the Division of Tourism. The Town & Country Fair is the third-largest fair in the state, bringing five days of fun and entertainment to Washington every August. In 1999, a lodging tax was created, with proceeds going specifically towards marketing Washington as a tourist destination. The Director of Tourism has been employed by the Chamber since the position was created.
Educational Programs/Business Resources
MEWA Health Insurance Program
Through the Missouri Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Missouri Chamber Federation, our members with 2-50 employees are able to participate in a Multiple-Employer Welfare Arrangement plan, which allows small businesses to join together to share risk, allowing for lower premiums.
Government Forum
Knowing your elected officials and the current issues is important for owners of businesses, both large and small. The Chamber hosts an annual forum where members have the opportunity to submit questions directly to their public servants. Our State Senator and Representatives, as well as our US Senators and Congressman are invited to a forum each February. In the future, the Chamber could also host "Meet the Candidate," and "Hear the Issues" events so that Washington-area residents can be informed voters at each election.
Board Room Rental
The Chamber of Commerce board room was recently renovated and is available for use by members and the community. The room holds 25-35 people with tables, and approximately 50 with chairs only. A 60" plasma screen is in place for viewing your presentation. Your laptop can be connected to the screen via HDMI and the room is equipped with wireless internet access. The room is free to members for use up to four (4) times per year. Beginning with the fifth rental, a charge of $100/day applies. A $100 security deposit is required, but will be refunded after inspection of the facility following the rental.
Opportunities to Promote Your Business
The Chamber's website makes it easier than ever for our members to get the exposure they deserve. Additionally, the site gives members the ability to log-in and utilize features that previously were not available. Members are encouraged to review and update their web listing, and take advantage of all that the site has to offer. If you are not familiar with the website features, please contact Amanda to set up a learning session.
Chamber Blog
Another great feature of the Chamber website is the Blog, which contains information on upcoming events, ribbon cuttings, member news, and more! Blog posts are also showcased in the Weekly Update e-mail sent to the membership. Members are encouraged to submit "Ask the Expert" columns for the blog and content for Member Features. For more information, please contact Amanda.
Chamber Event Sponsorship Packages
Members will be mailed a sponsorship overview each year. Those interested in sponsorship have the option of choosing events individually, or selecting an "everywhere package" that includes base-level sponsorship to each of the Chamber's events. Contact
Hallie for more information.
Networking Opportunities
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals is a group devoted to getting young talent the mentors they need to get and keep them involved in the Chamber and the community. The Washington workforce is one of our area's greatest attributes, and we want that to continue. The Young Professionals are the next generation of great contributors to the Washington community. This group provides them the opportunity to meet and form the bonds necessary to keep Washington strong. If you have employees that would like to be involved in the Young Professionals, please contact Amanda to have them added to our e-mail list.
Annual Banquet
The social event of the season, our banquet puts the spotlight on volunteerism in Washington. Tickets include drinks and a fantastic dinner. At the banquet, the Missourian presents their annual "Washingtonian" award, and starting in 2026, Chamber Awards including the Outstanding Young Professionals . The evening concludes with entertainment for all to enjoy. You won't want to miss it! **Members celebrating 25-, 30-, and 40-year Membership Anniversaries, and Chairman's Circle (50-Year Anniversary) honored.
Business Breakfast Meeting
Once a year, the membership gathers at a breakfast meeting to hear the Annual Report from the Chamber of Commerce, Town & Country Fair, and Washington Department of Economic Development. This event is held at the Knights of Columbus Hall and includes breakfast, orange juice, and coffee. Tickets are $20.
Summer Mixer
The Summer Mixer is held annually in June. This casual networking event is always a favorite for members! The summer mixer includes dinner and drinks at the fairgrounds.
**Members celebrating 10- and 20-year Membership Anniversaries honored at Summer Mixer.
Just for Fun
Chamber Golf Tournament- The tournament is held the Friday before Mother's Day. Teams will consist of 4 players - cost/player is $125 and includes lunch, drinks, cart, golf, and dinner. Skins and mulligans available for purchase. Contact Hallie for more information.
New Member / New Business Ribbon Cuttings
Our staff would be happy to set up a Ribbon Cutting for you when you join the Chamber. We'll take care of contacting our Board of Directors and Ambassadors, plus officials from the City of Washington. We even line up the photographer from the Missourian. All you have to do is hold the big scissors and say cheese! Contact Cheryl for more information, or complete our request form!
Click Here for a Detailed Membership Benefits Guide
Are you getting the most out of your membership? Use our handy Checklist to find out!
With over 600 members and an annual operating budget that exceeds $2 million, the Washington Area Chamber of Commerce is ranked the largest chamber in the region by the St. Louis Business Journal. Our chamber, founded in 1923, is unique because we have three main operating components; the Chamber Office, the Washington Town & Country Fair, and the Division of Tourism. The Town & Country Fair is the third-largest fair in the state, bringing five days of fun and entertainment to Washington every August. In 1999, a lodging tax was created, with proceeds going specifically towards marketing Washington as a tourist destination. The Director of Tourism has been employed by the Chamber since the position was created.
Educational Programs/Business Resources
MEWA Health Insurance Program
Through the Missouri Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the Missouri Chamber Federation, our members with 2-50 employees are able to participate in a Multiple-Employer Welfare Arrangement plan, which allows small businesses to join together to share risk, allowing for lower premiums.
Government Forum
Knowing your elected officials and the current issues is important for owners of businesses, both large and small. The Chamber hosts an annual forum where members have the opportunity to submit questions directly to their public servants. Our State Senator and Representatives, as well as our US Senators and Congressman are invited to a forum each February. In the future, the Chamber could also host "Meet the Candidate," and "Hear the Issues" events so that Washington-area residents can be informed voters at each election.
Board Room Rental
The Chamber of Commerce board room was recently renovated and is available for use by members and the community. The room holds 25-35 people with tables, and approximately 50 with chairs only. A 60" plasma screen is in place for viewing your presentation. Your laptop can be connected to the screen via HDMI and the room is equipped with wireless internet access. The room is free to members for use up to four (4) times per year. Beginning with the fifth rental, a charge of $100/day applies. A $100 security deposit is required, but will be refunded after inspection of the facility following the rental.
Opportunities to Promote Your Business
The Chamber's website makes it easier than ever for our members to get the exposure they deserve. Additionally, the site gives members the ability to log-in and utilize features that previously were not available. Members are encouraged to review and update their web listing, and take advantage of all that the site has to offer. If you are not familiar with the website features, please contact Amanda to set up a learning session.
Chamber Blog
Another great feature of the Chamber website is the Blog, which contains information on upcoming events, ribbon cuttings, member news, and more! Blog posts are also showcased in the Weekly Update e-mail sent to the membership. Members are encouraged to submit "Ask the Expert" columns for the blog and content for Member Features. For more information, please contact Amanda.
Chamber Event Sponsorship Packages
Members will be mailed a sponsorship overview each year. Those interested in sponsorship have the option of choosing events individually, or selecting an "everywhere package" that includes base-level sponsorship to each of the Chamber's events. Contact
Hallie for more information.
Networking Opportunities
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals is a group devoted to getting young talent the mentors they need to get and keep them involved in the Chamber and the community. The Washington workforce is one of our area's greatest attributes, and we want that to continue. The Young Professionals are the next generation of great contributors to the Washington community. This group provides them the opportunity to meet and form the bonds necessary to keep Washington strong. If you have employees that would like to be involved in the Young Professionals, please contact Amanda to have them added to our e-mail list.
Annual Banquet
The social event of the season, our banquet puts the spotlight on volunteerism in Washington. Tickets include drinks and a fantastic dinner. At the banquet, the Missourian presents their annual "Washingtonian" award, and starting in 2026, Chamber Awards including the Outstanding Young Professionals . The evening concludes with entertainment for all to enjoy. You won't want to miss it! **Members celebrating 25-, 30-, and 40-year Membership Anniversaries, and Chairman's Circle (50-Year Anniversary) honored.
Business Breakfast Meeting
Once a year, the membership gathers at a breakfast meeting to hear the Annual Report from the Chamber of Commerce, Town & Country Fair, and Washington Department of Economic Development. This event is held at the Knights of Columbus Hall and includes breakfast, orange juice, and coffee. Tickets are $20.
Summer Mixer
The Summer Mixer is held annually in June. This casual networking event is always a favorite for members! The summer mixer includes dinner and drinks at the fairgrounds.
**Members celebrating 10- and 20-year Membership Anniversaries honored at Summer Mixer.
Just for Fun
Chamber Golf Tournament- The tournament is held the Friday before Mother's Day. Teams will consist of 4 players - cost/player is $125 and includes lunch, drinks, cart, golf, and dinner. Skins and mulligans available for purchase. Contact Hallie for more information.
New Member / New Business Ribbon Cuttings
Our staff would be happy to set up a Ribbon Cutting for you when you join the Chamber. We'll take care of contacting our Board of Directors and Ambassadors, plus officials from the City of Washington. We even line up the photographer from the Missourian. All you have to do is hold the big scissors and say cheese! Contact Cheryl for more information, or complete our request form!