B & B BBQ has been selected to cater the 2017 Summer Membership Mixer. All members offering catering services were invited to bid on the event. The Mixer will be held at the Swine Pavilion at the Fairgrounds on Thursday, June 1. The event begins at 6 p.m. with drinks, followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Reservations are due to Cheryl (636-239-2715 x102) Monday, May 22. Special Thanks to our mixer sponsors:
Thanks to Craig Callaway for providing the sound system!
The weather could not have been more perfect for the third annual Chip and Ale Ladies' Golf Day, held Friday, May 12, at Wolf Hollow Golf Club. It's difficult to choose a favorite part of the day, because everyone is a winner at the Chip and Ale... Food - Sandwiches and brownies bigger than your hand (Firehouse), Summer Salad (Joe's Bakery & Delicatessen), Pizza (Imo's) Drinks - Paul was in his element mixing made-to-order drinks. Plus, who doesn't love a gin & tonic from Pinckney Bend Distillery? Caddies - There is so much to comment on here... Bragging rights go to Steve Sullentrup (playing for Grey Eagle Distributors) for being selected in the first round of the auction. Bob Jones presented his team members with bouquets of flowers (his signature), for the third year, Shawn Mayall was the obvious choice for "Best Dressed," and newcomer Tim Tobben had the best introduction submitted for the auction booklet (props to Jay Nowak for Cabana Boy Tim's write-up)! We are very fortunate to have so many great men in the community that support the chamber in this not-quite-traditional way! Golf Winners Champ Flight 1st - Kelly Toelke, Rhonda Grannemann, Sandy Buckling, Bob Jones 2nd - Michelle Leesmann, Jeanne Micke, Rachel Jacquin, Lee VanRoekel A-Flight 1st - Joyce Nieder, Karen Skornia, Carol Elbert, Chris Hudson 2nd - Donna Klott, Janet Groom, Michelle Edwards, Luke Meyer Closest to the Pin - Michelle Straatmann Longest Drive - Lee VanRoekel
Miscellaneous Donations American Family Insurance— Casey Zastrow, The Blue Duck, Greg Marquart Distributing, Hawthorne Inn, Imo’s Pizza, Modern Auto, Pinckney Bend Distillery, Sephora, Urban Accents, Wolf Hollow Golf Club
Do you follow @washmochamber on instagram? Our latest social media adventure showcases our member businesses and organizations. You can also find snapshots from Chamber events and the general happenings around the office. With over 500 members, it will take a while to get through everyone, but we promise to make it happen! You can help us speed up the process by sending a photo of your place of business to Amanda, and don't forget to tag us in your favorite pics from Chamber events! |
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